April 9, 2011

What the World Needs Now is Love sweet Love

That is the song I think I would use for this video!!
I love this initiative. Seriously considering doing it myself. I need a camera man (married to one, that helps) and the right spot. Who am I kidding... Mike would never join me in such an experiment. So in that case... I need a camera man! (or woman. anyone?!)
I watched it and was so touched by the gesture and how much one hug could mean to a person at any given time... that I sat like a big baaay-beee and cried. Well, do not get me wrong... I did not bawl or anything.. but I mean to say... tears surfaced... and a small stream. Aidan watched with me and did not quite understand the concept, which intrigues me even more... teach the little man about love for others.
I am not the peace and love to the world kind of girl all the time... like some people think. But for the most part I do have an acceptance of diversity, an open heart that tries its best not to judge and awareness of human nature to top it off... not to mention a pretty good ability to provide THE HUG!
Wheels are turning... if you ever see my own video up here... you will know I took this seriously!


Anne said...

Teared up, small stream, warm heart. I agree, I too would love to see this tried in Gore Park.

We all, and I do mean everyone, tend to forget that everyone no matter what sex, race, creed ,color, sexual orientation or degree of marginalization is a special person. We tend to judge, discriminate and ignore those not in our own close circle of family and friends, and sometimes even those in our circle.

There is good in everyone, somewhere, although it is sometimes deeply buried and may seem lost. After all even the Grinch found his heart.

Love this and hope it catches on.


Anonymous said...

i am with you on this one Laurel. I think we should call it a date. I loved it too and the comfort of a hug is something no human being should be deprived of. Love & Energy! xo Beav.