I am uber excited for September 15th!!! I managed to get a pair of Pearl Jam tickets for the Hamilton concert before they sold out. I will take my favourite other Pearl Jam fan... even though he has already seen them a couple of times without me! There is really... nobody else I would want to go with.
Music has this way of working its way into our soul... threading itself into many memories and becoming at times a soundtrack for our lives. The artistic expression... moves us, compells us, draws us in... and connects to the inner most emotions with its chords and lyrics. I can say that Pearl Jam has consistently done all of this and more for moi!
Loved this band when they first arrived on the scene... College days! They were a big part of the Seattle sound that burst to the forefront of 90s music. Eddie Vedder and his cohorts have remained... while many other bands are only a memory. So glad I can still turn on the radio and hear that most raw, deep, provoking voice putting out new music. Get giddy thinking about being in the venue with him!!!!!!!!
Before Mike and I were together... he was just a young teen... who was impressed with my choice in purchase of a new Pearl Jam CD... and therein lied our first connection!! Seriously. I may not have married my husband were it not for Vitalogy. (third CD released in 1995)
Once we were dating... every anticipated release date would involve me trying to surprise Mike by purchasing the new release day of... but before long it was more expected than surprise and he would just entertain my need to buy it for him (cuz he is just good like that, lol)
Pearl Jam was our soundtrack for certain. We both have music tastes that differ... he can have Tool (yuck) and he loves me even though I sing at the top of my lungs to all of my chick music.. but with PJ... we were in sync. So that is what we would listen to... often. We would memorize every song... and Mike would pick up his guitar, try out his best EdVed voice... and sing along.. aaaah, good good times.
Of course I had Pearl Jam included in our wedding music.. Love Reign O'er Me... played when Mike and the guys arrived at the altar... before our "walk down the aisle" music came on. (glitch in wedding ceremony music to be overlooked here... just gonna let that go!)
My children grew up hearing their music... and I do think that has had some influence on the flavour of their music today. Both Josh and Aidan have been drawn towards more of an Alternative vibe than anything else that plays on the airwaves.
I have to get the new CD and wear it out before the concert in September. For the record, I do not buy other CDS... Pearl Jam (oh, and Pink), that is it.
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