May 3, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Short list today... just because.
Ten things I am excited about...

  1. Going to the Addictions Ontario Conference at the end of the month. Silly, but those work getaways are the only chance I really get to be away without kids... so yep, looking forward to it. After a long month... I will be ready!

  2. M coming out of hospital. This will happen when he is stable... and I am pretty excited about that possibility and what else lies ahead.

  3. Joshua graduating from high school at the end of June. Proud momma time!!

  4. Summer vacation... to do whatever... or nothing whatsoever... 3 weeks booked and I am as always stoked for that!

  5. Baseball season... time with kids at the ballpark... chalk it up to good memories all around :)

  6. Heading to a concert with my lovee... Pearl Jam, baby!!!

  7. Harry Potter finale coming to theatres in 2 months. *delight*

  8. Going to bed. Just excited about hitting the pillow and cozying up under my duvet of dreaminess!!

  9. Nice weather upon us... feeling the urge to come out of hibernating... spring makes me happy.

  10. Bloggerific blogging.... I am excited that I have reconnected with this world... gives me another outlet... and I have so much to get out of me... it all helps!

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