I am likely the luckiest Lol in the world!! I have an abundance of blessings.. and friends are getting their honourable mention tonight. I do not need to name names... those who fill my heart... do not need accolades... and they know who they are. I keep many people at the edge of my life... acquaintances and pals all have their purpose in the long run... but there are a few gals who are right there in the deep end with me... giving my life quality, enriching me to the core, sisters who fell in my lap usually at just the right time. I have friends who love me... in spite of me ;) friends who understand me... and I mean really "get" me, and friends who are just always always there... ready and willing to throw me a branch and carry me through some very rough waters.
I have cried and laughed and listened (and heard) them. I have taken and hopefully given, and learned from them some... I never have to explain with this select group of women... they already know me... and no matter what I choose... they are gonna be there anyways. They accept me when I do not call, when I try to go it alone, when I share the same strifes over and over again, and just love me and tell me often.
I hope I can give back a tenth of what I get from my besties... and that in their hearts they know how much their friendship means to me!! love... hugs... and thanks!!
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