1. He IS the baby! No one will let him forget it... even Josh's friends chime in (and call him a Big Bay-beee) But that is his spot in our family. It is absolute that the baby gets away with more, gets attention for all of the baby antics and gives a sweet smile and is immediately in good graces again.
2. A Smart Alec in Epic Proportions. This child can be quick with the come backs and put us all in our place! He comes by this very naturally in our home... you master sarcasm or expect to drivel miserably while you get picked on. I will take responsibility for some of this... it provides me much pleasure to engage in the war of words with my children (oops... all in good fun of course) One never knows what he may say and in his defense... with a mouthy Mom and 2 mean brothers... good on him!! (Daddy still needs to work on this skill himself)
3. "You are not the boss of THIS man!" lmao, can you believe he has been saying this to me for the past week. Umm, I SO am... but whatever. I catch his sly grin when he says this to me, I know he knows what is our truth... Mommy is the boss... and usually he is quick to remind anyone in our house just who has the real powcr... props to Collie for testing those waters.
4. Rough and tumble still loves a kiss and cuddle. This wee one can rough house like a champ. He lays the smack down on Daddy, his brothers, their friends, his uncles... any one 3 times his size is fair game in his mind. Except Mommy. Nope, no wrasslin for me... I get the kiss and cuddle Collie. He will curl up in my arms and throw his arms around my neck... he loves snuggle time. Their is nothing better than our Sunday afternoon naps... where we can lay down, put on a movie and snuggle ourselves asleep. Part of me wishes he would never outgrow those times... but once they are as bug as Josh or Aidan.. it is really not the same.
5. Daddy's Boy. Nothing makes me love my husband more than watching him with our children. Daddy and Colin have got their own thing. Having stayed home with him for his first years gave them a special time to bond and to establish a very close connection. Yes, Colin has the ability to manipulate his Daddy and yes, Colin does his best on those days to pit Mommy and Daddy against one another.... but their relationship is a very sweet and loving one that melts my heart. It involves painting, timbits, cuddles, playing music, cartoons, sharing stories, playing games, walks together... and is all theirs.
6. Stubborn like me :) Wow... this little Aries sure does borrow from his Taurus cusp... he is a stubborn little bum. I have to love all parts of my little miracles... and I do... but it would be nice to know that I was not going to have to prime up for a battle every day. Then again... that would not be our Colin now would it. Meh.
7. "Mommy, you're the BEST!" I am not easily swayed... but I sure would not deny that this proclamation really packs its punch. I hear this whenever I have come up with some surprise or provided him some joy... when treats are involved or most often just when I give the extra time he so craves... for that book or board game. He puts so much ooomph in emphasizing how he says BEST! and it is his Colin way of saying Thank you Mommy... I appreciate what you do for me. Can a mother ask for anything more? I think not.
8. Without a baby brother, there would be no big brother. Josh and Aidan would roll their eyes and share without hesitation how much of a pain in the butt that Colin can be.... and they would not be entirely wrong either. However... this kid also has 2 of the biggest fans in his big brothers. They have learned so much by having him in their lives. Teaching and nurturing and exposing to all of their favourite pastimes. I see how hard he wants to be just like them. Playing with all of Aidan's toys and sneaking time on the Xbox to play his favourite Batman Lego game. Running out back whenever any of them are playing hockey. I see how much that both of his brothers really love him and have genuine concern for his wellbeing. It is brotherhood at its best. Simple and beautiful to see.
9. Pure pure loves comes through him. How healing it was to have Colin's perspective in the past year with regards to the loss of our Nanny. His innocence and curiosity helped me immensely and he has been a fore runner in keeping her a household name and her memory so alive. We live a couple of blocks away from the funeral home where her visitation was held and for months he would remark as we passed it on the bus.. "Look Mommy, that is where Nanny rested". I feel his soft gentle nature come through when we are speaking about her... so very precious were those times.
10. Honestly... oh, the honesty! I love a kid that can tell it like it is. No beating around the bush... not much understanding about filter or political correctness... Colin just puts it out there. He will outgrow some of this as children are slowly molded to the worlds expectations... but as for right now... if he sees a man in a wheel chair who is missing a leg... Colin will straight up ask "What happened to his leg?" I forget where this got worn down in my older kids...but it did.
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