May 19, 2011

Wowo Jeans Wedin

There are times in life that we must sit back and reflect... looking at our lives and assessing where to go from here. Funny how amidst much uncertainty, stress and confusion came this most wonderful day.... when I turned 40!! I actually turned 40 on Easter weekend... and it was a most fabulous family and love filled weekend... and then had a grand party the next weekend where there was nothing but commotion all around me. But, meh, whatcha gonna do?
I am not one to focus on age and getting older... I see 40 as an opportunity to really look at myself and say... "hey! I am all that AND a bag of chips!!" lol. I still have it in me to have fun... be silly... act out... dress up.... dress down... give and take... sleep in on weekends... overindulge... and look fine as I am... and yet I have acquired the stuff a 20 year old can only daydream about... grey hairs (lots), gravity infused body parts, stretchmarks dedicated to three amazing boys, clutter in the corners of every room of my house... and wisdom, cannot deny all that wisdom! Yes... I make this a time in my life to look a little closer and see the blessings. Really... aging is a far better option than not aging!
This is a little slideshow I put together to impart to those I love... just what a great journey my life has been so far!

Funny thing is... it did not feel like 40 years! I think about the high school or college days like it was just a couple of years ago... meanwhile, my first born is ready to graduate high school himself. I am going to cherish each moment of the next 40 and try to see every day for the gift it is. And as far as all of the that stress, and commotion I spoke of at the beginning of this post... well, it is life... life keeps going on... all the glorious and traumatic parts... whether it is my birthday or any other day! And guess what... we get through it! Yay for that 40 year old wisdom!!!

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