February 7, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

I decided that today was gonna be the day that I charged up my blog with some of the things that really irritate me. I am not feeling particularly irritated right now, but who knows by the end of this top 10 list... I could be in a mood. ;)
Okay... so in no particular order...
  1. People who overshare about their relationships on Facebook. Just bugs the crap out of me! I mean... one day you gripe about "what a player he is and how you are so over it"... and then a couple of short days later... you are reclaiming the love... your "one and only" and it just makes me throw up a little. You are likely as addicted to drama as you are creeps... best of luck to you and now you do not have to wonder why peeps are deleting ya!
  2. People who tell their play by plays on the bus... or anywhere in the public domain where I cannot help but hear you. Again.. oversharing. I just do not care to know who you did what with and how many times and what did his ex say... no. I am not interested. If this is you... on my bus... talking like this... I give you those looks for a reason... shut the &%^$ up. Oh, and yeah, my kids do not want to hear those deets either.
  3. People who preach. Like not actual preachers, but you know... the person who has taken on a new cause ... and takes pleasure in shoving it down your throat. Gag me, literally! I do not care what goes in chicken nuggets, I am likely still going to feed it to my kids.
  4. Label whores. There I said it. I take no issue with those who like to shop brand name, designer and enjoy dressing to kill. All the power. Wear what you want, look fab... this is all good. But... if you are sharing with me about the shoes or purse or pants or whatever that you are wearing... MUST you call them by their label name. If I want you to pass me my purse I am not going to say... "can you pass over my Coach purse." Ridiculous. I may be wrong... but no amount of designer gear will give you on the inside what you think it gives you on the outside. Get over your damn shoes and stop pimpin product.
  5. Roots. I get really irritated by the speed in which my hair grows. Seriously, I could touch up roots like every 3 weeks.
  6. Stores that do not have the stock that is advertised. I know. I know. I have worked in retail. I understand shipping delays, unforeseen demand... yadda, yadda, whatever. If there is a special sale that you are advertising to bring me into your store... and I go out of my way to get there on the first day of the sale.... have it in stock!!
  7. Two faced individuals who will talk behind your back and then be all buddy buddy to your face. I have come to believe one standard when it comes to gossip... the people who gossip to you... WILL gossip about you. I have recently posted about this sort of thing... but when it comes to irritating... I have to include.
  8. Close talkers. I have a flexible bubble when it comes to personal space... but I cannot stand people who constantly get into it. No. Just stand back. I can hear you when you are a foot away. Trust this.
  9. Perfect parents. Perfect anything. People who have the perfect kids. The perfect partner. Perfect house, perfect life. Okay... not wanting to rain on any one's parade... but shut the fuck up. Please. My life is real. My marriage has been bruised. My kids are flawed. My house has clutter. We are real. I want to relate to the people I surround myself with... oh,,, and by the way... I already know that there is no such thing as perfect... so it is not me you are kidding. Just sayin.
  10. This is meant to be funny.... but one other thing that really irritates me are people who bitch about everything. teehee. I mean funny in the way... that I have just totally biotched all over my blog... but hey, who really reads it anyways. I love being bitchy sometimes... but can you imagine if this is how you lived all of the time. Blech!! It can only be sustained for so long.
Thanks for listening to my rant and next week I promise to be a little more positive! Gotta admit, it was nice to get some of this off of my chest. Try it!


Anonymous said...

Laurel, I am laughing so hard right now! I am touched that u took the time to spew out some real shit that makes you even more beautiful. It made me smile to know that in your 40 something years being on planet earth, I can hardly even recollect hearing you bitch about anything-- much less to say a list.. so I am saying, girlfriend!! Bravo! Doesn't it feel great! This is coming from a girl who could learn a thing or two about chronic griping, cause I feel like I do it more than I should.. and I always wish I could be more like you and just carry myself with so much grace. I love you Laurel for all your truths, your beliefs and most of all, for being ok putting it out there! PS>> It was me who posted something about what goes into chicken nuggets.. so I laughed even harder because I am sorry I annoyed you but it just shows that we can still love eacother anyway. PPS>>>> I still feed myself and my kids chicken nuggets despite the disgusting pictures I saw about them.. so does that count for something! Love you babe! xoxox Beav.

WowoJeans said...

Hah! I bitch ALL too often... just not in everyones company. I thank you for your forever kind posts girl! And for the record, it was not you whose chicken nugget post got under my skin... teehee. xo