January 28, 2012

In Love....

Brene Brown... where ya been all my life!!!
I am previewing some materials for a Shame Resiliency program I am going to pilot with some colleagues at work... and who knew... sitting on my desk for the past month was THIS level of inspiration!! Brene is MY kind of woman. She is someone I would just love to chill with... kinda have to admit... I think I may be in love. She is speaking the things I have journalled about and talked out loud about for years. Not since Claudia Black have I felt someone was writing the words right out of my head! Brilliant timing. I need to get back to the basics... the fundamentals of wellness for me!
Upon viewing her DVD The Hustle for Worthiness, I googled her because I was certain she must be a blogger sister... and I hit the jackpot... I will now have some good reads to catch up on. Linked at the side page... check her out!!
If you want a preview... here you go!

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